Ramping Up Production Of Key Drug To Treat Black Fungus https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
Several thousand coronavirus patients in India have contracted a deadly and aggressive fungal infection, Black Fungus, …
Several thousand coronavirus patients in India have contracted a deadly and aggressive fungal infection, Black Fungus, …
ब्लैक फंगस को लेकर फिक्र बढ़ती जा रही है. ब्लैक फंगस के मामलों में बढ़ोतरी के बाद इसके इलाज के लिए जरूरी इंजेक्शन एंफोट…
Names of genuine beneficiaries might be missing, he says in letter from The Hindu - National https://ift.tt/3hLOpUE …
Inferring that there were 20-30 undetected cases for every confirmed one, it was likely that 50-60% of the population h…
The information technology (IT) ministry has written to all social media companies asking them to take down any content…
दवाइयों की किल्लत एक तरफ है, कोरोना का इलाज भी काफी महंगा साबित हो रहा है. कोरोना संक्रमण से जूझ रहे मरीजों के परिवारों…
केंद्र सरकार ने 'इंडियन वैरिएंट' शब्द के इस्तेमाल पर चेतावनी जारी की है और सभी सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के लिए एड…
डीआरडीओ ने कोरोना से लड़ने के लिए एंटीबॉडी डिटेक्शन किट तैयार किया है. इसे दिल्ली के वैनगार्ड डायग्नॉस्टिक्स के सहयोग स…
The quake was felt in all 12 counties and cities of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, with Yangbi being the worst hit…
A select list of stories to read before you start your day. from The Hindu - National https://ift.tt/2SeyhR8 https:/…
Over 7,000 cases linked to Black Fungus and 126 deaths have been recorded so far. The new disease is being detected in …
Tamil Nadu has recorded an all-time high of 36,184 Covid cases even after a total lockdown for nearly two weeks. Howeve…
उत्तर प्रदेश के गांवों में दवा और इलाज की पहले ही दिक्कत थी, लेकिन अब सरकारी अस्पतालों और प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्रों म…
One million more people will get text messages inviting them to book the first dose of their vaccine. from BBC News -…
Nepal President Bidya Devi Bhandari today dissolved parliament and fixed general elections in November. from NDTV New…
A US court ruled that Danny Masterson must stand trial for the alleged rape of three women at his home in the Hollywood…
Just a day after the body of a young man was found under a flyover in Tripura’s capital city, a corpse of a woman was f…
Lady Gaga said that she was raped by a music producer when she was 19. from NDTV News - World-news https://ift.tt/3hL…
The Federal Bureau of Investigation said that the hackers' group has hit at least 16 US medical and first response …
The surprise announcement comes after a presidential statement said neither the caretaker PM K.P. Sharma Oli, nor oppos…
The stabbings happened in a neighborhood with many bars and restaurants, but they were closed at the time of the incide…
US President Joe Biden said creating a Palestinian state alongside Israel is the "only answer" to the conflic…
Programme to test wastewater for the virus that causes Covid now covers two-thirds of England's population. from …