Olympic Wrestler Sushil Kumar, Wanted In Murder Case, Arrested In Delhi https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
Wrestler Sushil Kumar, India's two-time Olympic medallist, was arrested this morning over alleged involvement in th…
Wrestler Sushil Kumar, India's two-time Olympic medallist, was arrested this morning over alleged involvement in th…
With 2,40,842 new Covid cases, India's overall case count surged to 2,65,30,132 this morning. The country's tot…
कोरोना महामारी के इस दौर में लोगों को कई तरह की मानसिक परेशानियां भी हो रही हैं. जिससे लोगों का आत्मबल कमजोर हो रहा है.…
India reports over 8,000 cases of Black Fungus, NDTV speaks to experts to understand what is leading to this spike. Exp…
‘Several States, including Karnataka and Delhi, have stopped vaccinating the 18-44 age group citing shortage of vaccine…
Newspaper boys, milk vendors, autorickshaw and taxi drivers, bus drivers and conductors, construction workers are among…
In a small village in Andhra Pradesh's Nellore, a herbal concoction given by a man with no professional training is…
ओलंपिक पदक विजेता सुशील कुमार को दिल्ली पुलिस की स्पेशल सेल ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया. सुशील के साथी अजय को भी पकड़ा गया है. …
The daily Covid cases may be coming down in the country but it still is a huge worry in rural areas. NDTV's Kamal K…
A man who was going to buy medicines was slapped by a district official and thrashed by policemen amid the COVID-19 loc…
दिल्ली में कोरोना वैक्सीन की भारी कमी हो गई है. इसकी वजह से आज से 18 से 44 साल के लोगों का वैक्सीनेशन बंद कर दिया गया ह…
राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में कोरोना के मामलों में लगातार कमी आ रही है. बीते 24 घंटे में 2,260 नए मामले दर्ज किए गए हैं …
छत्तीसगढ़ के सरगुजा संभाग के सूरजपुर जिले के कलेक्टर रणवीर शर्मा का युवक को थप्पड़ जड़ने का वीडियो सामने आया है. जिले म…
One after another, grocery stores are shutting down in rural Sweden, leaving villagers to travel miles to buy food. But…
Maharashtra on Saturday reported 26,133 fresh COVID-19 cases and 682 deaths, taking the tally to 55,53,225 and the deat…
The issue of Class 12 board exams, and entrance exams for professional courses amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will …
Yoga guru Ramdev, the face of one of India's biggest consumer goods and alternative medicine empires, has been aske…
The 100-km cross-country race was held in the Yellow River Stone Forest, a scenic tourist site in Jingtai county under …
The owner of a container ship that blocked the Suez Canal in March says the canal authority was at fault over its groun…
The Union Health Ministry on Saturday in a letter to States and Union Territories (UTs) allowed family members and depe…
Martin Bashir apologised to Princes William and Harry but said claims linking his actions to her death were "unrea…
A former BBC chief who was criticised for his "woefully ineffective" probe into Martin Bashir's deception…
'Miss? What's a duck?' The question that convinced one school to adopt nature-friendly learning. from BBC…