Gujarat MLA Jignesh Mevani, who was arrested by the police is Assam for a tweet about Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week, was granted bail today by a local court - but, within minutes, he was arrested again in another case registered by the Assam police and kept in their custody. The arrest itself was a clear case of overreach, where the Assam police went all the way to Gujarat to take the legislator into their custody after a BJP leader's complaint. Meanwhile in Maharashtra, the Bombay High Court did not quash an FIR filed against independent MP Navneet Rana and her husband, MLA Ravi Rana. They were arrested and even charged with sedition for announcing that they would recite the Hanuman Chalisa outside Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray's residence, triggering protests by Shiv Sainiks. Has the 'my agency' vs 'your agency' battle in politics gone too far now?
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